Coma: The Promises of Brain Stimulation
Using a technique called transcranial direct current stimulation, researchers at the Coma Science Group in Liège, have managed to improve th
Towards an Immortal Brain
Why do we age? Work on the underlying biological process suggests that, without necessarily becoming eternal, we could limit the consequence
The Brain Manufactures Neurons On Demand
Adults manufacture juvenile neurons, it could be interpreted as adaptation to the environment. Several studies underlines the idea of “on de
How the Brain Controls our Desire to Eat
“Destroying neurons in the zona incerta leads to weight reduction”. The aim of this chronicle is not to propose solutions for losing weight
The Retina, a (Very Smart) Camera
[ C H R O N I C L E ] With my head resting against the window inside a high-speed train, I enjoy watching the vegetation...
Binge drinking impairs memory
Binge drinking, or the massive and rapid consumption of alcohol, affects the adolescent brain. Studies in humans and rodents reveal the...